Please complete the Registration Form
Full Name*
Email Address*
Mobile Number*
Company/Organization Name*
Product/Service Name*
Product/Service Description*
Are there any similar patents/applications?*
How mature is your patent?
What are the existing and potential application areas of the invention/ product?*
Countries in which a patent has been granted*
Product/Service TRL Number* 123456789
What are the existing market opportunities and how significant are they?*
What other complementing IPs can help enhance your final product offering?
What are the commercialization routes available to you?
Business Life Cycle* Development/SeedStartupGrowthExpansion/Rapid GrowthMaturity
Please Explain
Proposed cooperation model (you can choose more than one answer)* Direct StateIndirect SaleLicensingInvestment
Please share supplementary information (10Mb), including catalogs and owner’s resume in a ZIP/RAR file*